Almost three months to the day, the cat has been found.
She seems to have been 'transported' from our house to a small village on the other side of town - about 5km.
A kindly lady saw the cat in her garden and tried to feed her for two months - but with little success.
Then, a couple of weeks ago, the cat went into her house and a few days later she was able to feed her. Once she had gained the cat's trust, the woman took her to the vet because the cat was in poor condition and he de-wormed her and gave her a check-up. He also checked to see if she had been 'chipped' and that's how we got the cat back.
The woman rang us on Friday and we picked up the poor, skinny cat on Saturday morning.
Several sessions of brushing resulted in a carrier bag full of fur, which seems to indicate that the cat had been living outside for some considerable while.
So, she's back - nervous, but seems happy and is eating like a horse.