I owe so many people Christmas cards - so apologies - I am not going to do them this year.
I am sure that will be a relief all round for some of my friends and acquaintances. And if not - sorry.
I considered placing an ad in the Daily Telegraph in the UK to tell all my mates and family that I would not be doing cards. But the cost was slightly more than buying a goat for a family in Ethiopia, so I went for the goat (not literally - I mean I went for my Amex and paid for the goat online - complete with milk and other non-tangible assets).
So what has this year brought?
Well - some freedom, some aggro (actually 64% freedom and 36% aggro) - but then I guess that's most people's normal year anyway. So what do I have to report?
A fab visit to Paris in January - only marred by the hotel room being encrusted in other previous guests' bodily fluid on every horizontal and vertical surface (and all sides of every towel, sheet and curtain (what DO these people get up to? I am just trying to sneak a quick fag (cigarette variety) in a non-smoking room.
And the hotel was fine, except for the fact it was an unseasonable minus 16 degrees and the heating was f*cked. Breakfast in this hotel could have been a remake of the minutes before Titus Oates decided to take a long one-way walk early in the 20th century.
But the move to a more central and cosy hotel worked well.
And then in the middle of the year, there was the traditional Pimps Tour - a very tame affair of a few old and tired blokes with varying degrees of functionality in their personal lives getting together to mash the roads of Europe with their mean two-wheeled steads...
I treat you to this:
And this
...and this?
Or for the full spectacle, this...
And then the rest of the year was downhill from there - or so it seemed.
Best Christmas wishes to all, especially all those running to their post boxes for my card :-)